The Fifth Circuit recently vacated the US Department of Labor’s (“DOL”) 2016 fiduciary rule that had expanded ERISA’s fiduciary definition to those providing investment advice for a fee to an ERISA plan or its participants. In light of the Fifth Circuit’s decision, the DOL has issued a temporary enforcement policy halting the enforcement of certain prohibited transaction claims against investment advice fiduciaries. Under Field Assistance Bulletin 2018-02, the DOL indicated that it will not pursue…
In a recent blog post we discussed the new disability claims procedure rules scheduled to go into effect on January 1, 2018. Earlier this year, as part of the administration’s direction to evaluate existing regulations to make them less burdensome, the Department of Labor (DOL) opened a comment period (through December 11, 2017) on whether the new disability claims procedure rule should be modified, rescinded or retained and raised the possibility of a delay. Based on the…
Although to date, the new administration has not been successful in moving forward its legislative agenda, it has aggressively pursued its goal of reducing the regulatory burden on American businesses. At the 2017 Global Equity Organization National Equity Compensation Forum, Baker McKenzie will be discussing the latest regulatory and legislative developments in executive compensation. Some of the hottest topics on every company’s mind we will be addressing include: The Department of Labor Fiduciary Rule -…
Pursuant to Department of Labor guidance, a “statement of investment policy” provides fiduciaries responsible for plan investments with written guidelines or general instructions concerning various types of investment management decisions. Typically, an investment policy will establish criteria and procedures for the selection, monitoring, removal, and replacement of plan investments. Unlike the “funding policy” required for plans under Section 402(b) of ERISA, there is no requirement under ERISA that a plan have a written investment policy…
Last year the Department of Labor (DOL) finalized new disability claims procedure rules, effective January 1, 2018, to add more procedural safeguards and provide claimants access to more information. Covered Plans The new rules are not limited to disability plans. They apply to all ERISA welfare and pension plans that provide benefits based on a finding of disability (e.g., vesting or payment under pension, 401(k), and top hat plans or life insurance plans that require…