
Code Section 162(m)


On January 14, 2025, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) published proposed regulations (the “Proposed Regulations”) under Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code (“Code”), which generally limits publicly held companies to a $1 million annual tax deduction for compensation paid to “covered employees” in a taxable year. The Proposed Regulations implement amendments made to Code Section 162(m) by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (the “ARPA”) to expand the definition of “covered employee” to…

Last week, the IRS issued Notice 2018-68 containing initial guidance on the amendments to section 162(m) made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”), including the transitional relief for written binding contracts. On balance, the guidance is not particularly favorable to taxpayers, as it takes a narrow view of the grandfathering relief for arrangements in effect under prior law, particularly for arrangements with negative discretion, and a broad view of the new group of…

As of December 20, 2017, both the House of Representatives and the Senate have voted to approve the final version of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, in substantially the form released by the Conference Committee on December 15th. The bill is expected to be presented to the President for signature before Christmas, making US tax reform a reality for 2018.